Recipes and Recomendations
Here are some resources when you want more information or learn where I get my information. I’m including recipes and links to great information.
Red Lentil Soup
This is one of my favorite recipes. The lemon really brings a lightness to the soup while the cumin keeps it feeling warm and nourishing.
Kitchari is a staple in my diet and in Ayurveda. You can create variety by changing the vegetables and spices. I am sure you will have a favorite go to recipe.
Steamed Greens with Brown Butter Sauce
I got this recipe from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It is also flexible and easy to make. Change up the types of greens. You can saute them as well for a different flavor.
More book recommendations coming soon.
Please shop your local bookstores when possible. They take orders online.
These are the two bookstores I go to.
Atomic Habits by James Clear
This book, in my opinion, is the most useful book about building better habits. Much of what I do now comes from his work. I highly recommend getting on his mailing list
Scarcity Brain by Michael Easter
I learned of this book from a podcast I follow called How to be a Better Human. This book speaks to the evolutionary reasons why we continue to do the things we know are bad for us. His style of writing is very approachable and while he offers a lot of data, it is couched in stories that are interesting and relatable.
Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter
After reading Scarcity Brain I knew I wanted to read more from Michael Easter so I immediately got this book. Another book filled with data and illustrated with amazing stories that made me question some lifestyle choices I make. Maybe life doesn’t need to be so easy. He talks about how humans have gotten weaker because we lack pressure from our natural environment. I highly recommending both of these books. And I listened to them. He is a good narrator.
Products and Other Stuff
more recommendations coming soon
Banyan Botanicals
This site has many things I often recommend to people. You can also learn a lot about Ayurveda there.