Ayurveda: Pitta Dosha explained

Pitta is pronounced with a short “I” sound and the “t” is sharp. It is made up of the elements of fire and water. Pitta is associated with digestion. It is the dosha that transforms and digests.

The water element is in both the Kapha and Pitta doshas. In the Pitta Dosha the water balances the heat and dryness of the fire. Without water the fire would burn everything to ash. I explain the water element in the article about Kapha, but in addition to those qualities of water when in relation to Pitta the water also brings the oily quality.

Fire element is sharp, hot, light, oily, spreading, fleshy smelling, and liquid. We see this element in the summer when the sun is at its strongest. We can feel the actual heat of the sun and you might notice that sharpness. The way fire looks is sharp. It moves, but it needs something to consume. Before the element of fire comes air and ether. We can’t see air and ether, but we can see fire, and fire brings light so we can see forms. Therefore, pitta dosha is related to the eyes.

We can also associate the intellect with the pitta dosha, as the intellect is what brings light to the things we don’t understand. We also “digest” thoughts, ideas and data that is brought into the mind through the five senses, so not only does pitta digest our food, it digests our thoughts and emotions.

In the Ayurvedic day, pitta is between 11 and 2 both in the day and the night. It is recommended we eat our biggest meal at midday when the sun is at its highest. Our digestive fire will also be at its highest. At night that time frame is when our bodies kick in a little extra heat to finish burning off the day’s leftovers. You might find this is the time of night you wake up sweaty and having to go pee.

A person with a balance pitta dosha with be someone who likes to manage and be organized. They are driven and often choose careers that are managerial, administrative or entrepreneurial. They might have red or dark blond hair and piercing eyes. They have a medium build and can keep a steady weight fairly easily. They have good stamina and tend to be regularly hungry. You know a pitta person by their warm skin and sometimes flushed face.

Learn more about Ayurveda here.


Ayurveda: Kapha Dosha Explained


Beat the Heat